IMG 2229The Youth Empowerment Program (YEP) offers appropriate training in a professional school or university to promising students who have completed the Rescue One (called Foundation Michee in Haiti), K-13, program. This training is intended to give the graduates skills for entering the labor market in Haiti.

Paul was one of our 1st YEP participants.  Here's what he has to say:

"I remember when I was in 12 grade, a group of friends talked about our future after we finished with school. They all talked about where they are going, at which university; but I could not say anything because Fondation Michée said they could not support us beyond high school. So I did not know what should be my next step. But in His unfailing love God had plans for me, and I was not aware of that. After completing high school, God continued to care for me. Thus, I integrated Haiti Tec for a two-year study in Telecommunication. During my studies, Fondation Michee supported me greatly by providing tuition, transportation allowance, food, supplies, etc.

IMG 2130However, I had difficult times with some classes that required more practice. Sometimes when I am hungry and during unrest in my community I could not focus on my education. However, God in His love protected me, assisted me, gave me courage and intelligence that led me to a grade of 8/10 each semester. I made it successfully in all my classes. Now the goal is to find a job in my newly acquired skills. But this requires additional trainings in English, Spanish, driving school. To do so, I plan to start this month with additional trainings in order to be qualified for a job to meet my needs, those of my family and especially continue the great and beautiful work that the Foundation performs in the Haitian community. Finally, I want to thank all those who have contributed to the training both academically and spiritually of the children, especially me. May God in His infinite love continue to bless you for this great work."