Each church committee provides a daily meal for its students. This feeding program is administered by a cook and served in a convenient location, sometimes in the church itself or in a nearby location such as a home. The meals are cooked on site, often over charcoal. The cooks intentionally provide proper nutrition and shop the local markets to provide healthy food with flavors the children are accustomed to eating. They also watch the children’s eating habits, looking for areas of concern.
Children begin school early every day when the temperatures are cooler and finish about 1PM at which time they gather for their meal. A prayer is offered before each meal, often by one of the students. Older students assist the younger ones with their food.
For some students, this may be the only meal they have that day. It is not predictable that there will be food at home. One of our older students writes:
And what was very important to me, I did not have to think any more about food that I needed to eat in order to find strength to study….I knew that I would have a good dinner from the Rescue One program after school every day during the week.