After the earthquake in 2010, Stephen, a Rescue One student, lived with his mother and brothers in a tent city. The family is very poor and Stephen was chosen by one of the Rescue One church partners to be in its program. During the summer of 2013, some of the boys in the tent city were throwing stones and Stephen was hit in the eye. Because Stephen required surgery, the coordinator took him to the public hospital in Port-au-Prince. On two different occasions, the hospital cancelled the surgery after Stephen and the coordinator made the long trip and waited in line.
In God’s miraculous way, previous to all of this, an ophthalmologist had been given some equipment after his was destroyed in the earthquake. Through contacts of the Rescue One board, Stephen was referred to him. The ophthalmologist arranged for surgery at a hospital in the countryside. The coordinator took Stephen there and then took him into his own home for the following three days so that he would get the proper post-op care.
Stephen is doing well; his vision has been saved. We praise God for the vision in Stephen’s heart as well. His favorite song is Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord.
The Rescue One board thanks God for being able to offer medical intervention to its students, and we thank the coordinator for lovingly and patiently being the hands and feet of Jesus.
*The name of the student has been changed to protect his identity.